While all of the platforms we looked at had different benefits, Mod.io was the best fit for what we are trying to do. The key reason for choosing Mod.io was the Unreal SDK integration, support for the approval categories system that we are planning, and solutions for uploading mods to the platform. Why did you choose mod.io and not Steam workshop, Nexus Mods, Thunderstore, or just doing your own solution? You can submit mods on our mod.io DRG space here. How will I be able to submit mods to Mod.io as a mod developer? Here you can install, enable/disable, and organize all of your mods. Once you have done that, any DRG mods you subscribe to will show up in the Modding Menu. It will require you to link your steam account to a mod.io account and accept mod.io’s Terms of Use. There you can subscribe to mods through mod.io. You can access the Modding Menu from within the game.

How will I be able to install mods through Mod.io as a player?