It was no doubt a moral compass for children to grow up with, inspiring a new generation to work for peace and be more skeptical. Cyborg 009 was revolutionary for its time, for being an anime that took on more mature subjects like politics, religion, and war. US, and mistreated chemical weapons leak from soviet factories. The cold war is fresh on people’s mind, the regime of Pol Pot just got thwarted, relations with China and the west are shaky, any opponent of the Bolsheviks gets funding from the This is not just a review, but also the story of Cyborg 009, the Swedish dub. Back in the 80’s, when countless critically acclaimed classics were born, and movies like Akira created the first stepping-stones for anime to be recognized in the west, some countries were introduced to anime in a different way. The above description came from Ken Feasel and nikki, and was edited by yours truly.Let me tell you the strange tale of one of the most obscure cult-anime ever created. But before they really got to know each other, they were attacked. Then Cyborg 002 saves him by flight, and brings him to the others. Then Cyborg 008 was swimming around and spots Cyborg 009. When Cyborg 009 escapes, more robots came after him.

Cyborg 009 finds out that he has these amazing powers, but what he doesn't know is that he's a cyborg. Cyborg 001 continues to reach out to Cyborg 009 through his mind.

Then, when Cyborg 009 tries to find a way out, a lot of robots come after him. When Cyborg 009 wakes up he finds himself in this laboratory, and he doesn't know how he got there. It starts when Cyborg 001 reaches out to Cyborg 009. Once the cyborgs escape, they vow to defeat the Black Ghost and bring peace to mankind. The evil Black Ghost organization kidnapped several people from around the world and turned them into cyborgs designed to be perfect weapons, but their evil plan backfires because the nine cyborgs still retain some of their humanity.